Monday, 7 October 2013

Well, this looks familiar

Here I am again. Sitting at my desk with a cup of Earl Grey tea in my hand and an unfinished essay in front of me. I know that my dog is licking himself again on the couch because of the incessant noise - it's making such a din that I find myself being morbidly curious despite myself of just how much strength a dog puts in licking its own privates.

But I digress. Further thinking on that topic would open doors I am not interested in opening!

Writing about feminist issues in John Donne's Elegy 19 'To His Mistress Going to Bed' sounds like such fun but it really isn't. Is it really just objectifying and glorifying the female body? Or is it really nothing more than a satirical response to Petrarchan poetry? I wouldn't know - I hardly pay attention to my lectures, let alone online ones.

What is the point of this blog, you ask? 

Aside from the daily ramblings of an aspiring novelist/screenwriter/forever single with too many pets, it's a place where I would like to showcase my writing. Having it on the Internet is better than having it collecting dust on my hard drive, that's for sure.

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