I've been playing 'Fire Emblem: Conquest' like a fiend. Despite my recorded playtime being 38 hours, my real playtime for Conquest is probably something close to 40 hours; I'm estimating I lost about 2 hours in my logged time because of all the resets. All. The. Resets.
I may be calling it my 'nohrmal' playthrough, but I'm actually playing it on Hard. And man, let me tell you. It is Hard. It deserves that capital H. And why am I already planning out couples for a Lunatic playthrough? Oh, yeah. It's because I'm apparently a masochist.
P.S. If you play Conquest, I strongly suggest getting Boo Camp and Ghostly Gold. It helps a lot with getting money and extra experience to make sure all your units are up to scratch. If you want to experience true Conquest suffering, of course, save your $5 for future DLC maps.
Here is my take on Caetuna (my nohrmal avatar) and Niles, and the Kana & Nina produced from them. On a side note, Nina's Japanese name is Eponine, which I personally like a lot better than 'Nina'. But when it's Nina, she sounds like she could legitimately be a canon sister of 'Kana', and I think that's super cute.
Personally, I'm not really a fan of the pairing in terms of the relationship. I adore Niles, and I think he's a really neat and interesting character. He's also voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, which is like whoa (in the Japanese version, he's Koyasu so it's like good thing I got the English version LOL). But the dynamic that's between Niles and the Avatar doesn't look like it's too healthy or good in the long run.

I realize that it's unfair to really judge the kid units before I properly train them, but I'll save that for when I blog about Revelations. Since I had a diviner/onmyoji as my hidden talent (or whatever it was called), Kana has access to the diviner, onmyoji, and basara classes. I chose basara, just because I wanted to keep improving on his strength when I eventually send him back to the Nohr noble class. I literally just reclassed him, as you can tell from this picture; I didn't even give him a naginata yet! I feel like I'm going to regret this decision though, as I won't be able to use Kana's skill with the Dragonstone.
To be honest, I'm not really a fan of Kana. I keep comparing him to Awakening's Morgan, who was a button. My button. Kana's just...way too much of a kid. I understand that all the kids in Fates are generally softer, but the way Kana interacts with Caetuna (my Avatar) makes me feel like I'm sending a nine-year-old to war.
At the point I unlocked Eponina's paralogue, I had already fallen in love with Keaton. My wolf-man. But then when I got Eponina, I was no longer regretting my hasty decision to marry Niles. Eponina is what my real-life daughter would probably be like. Though hopefully not as awkward as she is. She looks a little odd, in my opinion, when she has red hair. I will have to be careful on my consequent playthroughs as to who Niles marries.
I'm not sure if it's because I had fairly low stats when I unlocked her, or because I'm too used to a powerhouse Mozu, but I noticed that I had trouble keeping Eponina alive. Her evasion and defense are all pretty terrible. She's fast enough that she can attack twice per turn, but she's not strong enough to down an enemy in one go (or survive an attack if they're long-range enemies). It might be because she has a low weapon level, so even though I'm disappointed with Eponina as a unit, I have Boo Camp to try and get her to at least 'decent'.
I didn't care who I married Caetuna to, since I figured the Avatar would be a good match with anybody, but I don't think I will be letting the Avatar marry Niles again any time soon. I'm reserving a final judgment on the two of them though, as I haven't actually used or trained them for a decent amount of time.